Faith Action Map is currently in beta testing phase, prior to public launch. User feedback is very appreciated as we aim to improve this platform.
Please click here to contact us with comments, suggestions, and bug reports, or if you have any questions and need assistance with your listings or user experiences.

Connecting Faith-led Gun Violence Prevention

Explore our interactive map and directory to discover and connect with organizations, projects, and faith leaders engaged in gun violence prevention and responses

How to Use the Faith Action Map

Use the search bar to find listings by category, name, tags, or location. Whether you are looking for specific organizations or events, our search tool helps you find what you need.

View Detailed Profiles
Each map listing has a detailed profile that often includes links, contact information, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.

Sign Up and Contribute
By creating an account, you can add your own listings to the map, join groups, contribute to community discussions, and connect with other users.

Explore Action Categories

Efforts to advocate and promote policy, legislation, and public opinion related to gun violence reduction and prevention

Initiatives focused on raising awareness and educating the public on gun violence issues, including programs that are building community resilience against violence

Counseling services, support groups, and resources for those affected by gun violence

Spiritual guidance and pastoral care, healing ceremonies, and vigils for communities and individuals affected by gun violence

Youth focused efforts and initiatives

Focusing on safe gun storage, handling education, and promoting responsible gun ownership to prevent accidents and misuse

Networks and collaborations among different faith groups and organizations

National network of volunteers transforming unwanted guns into garden tools, art, jewelry, and more

Explore Events

Services for communities and individuals affected by gun violence

Public trainings and workshops focused on gun violence prevention

For healing, awareness, and advocacy

